40k Index Chaotica Pdf Free Download

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Kingdom Death Monster 1.5

Kingdom Death has one of the largest Kickstarters going that I have ever looked into. Is easily about to hit 6 million dollars in pledges, and is really looking amazing. Not certain you can jump into this yet? well the cool part is that the kickstarter has 38 days left... taking it well beyond Christmas.

Create a Faction: The Tribes of Yaoa

Again the variety of the factions being created is rather wide and diverse, as we look into at the Tribes of Yaoa. The Tribes are a race of who fight alongside fantastical beasts, from massive tigers to aerial creatures for battles. They are led by dark priests bent on conjuring the Fey from the realm beyond or draining the life from those unlucky enough to be in their path.

The Rumor Engine Continues

Games Workshop today revealed another preview today of something.....hmmm What is it? and what are the keys to?

Releases with Pricing for This Week

This week looks like a big one for Games Workshop, with the AoS and 40k Battleforce Box Sets along with the Traitor Legions Codex Supplement and Index Chaotica: Apocryphpa.

check it out

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

What is in the Traitor Legions Codex Supplement?

The Traitor Legions is a long awaited codex supplement handling the 9 Traitor Legions. Its going up for pre-orders this weekend according to the what we are being told, and now we have a little bit additional intel.

Mythic Battles: Pantheon - Less than 48 Hours Left

Mythic Battles: Pantheon is a Kickstarter that is doing amazingly well with over 10,000 backers and over 10x it's needed level of funding. For about $100 you get an amazing number of miniatures and a what is looking a fun game.

Create a Faction Contest: Amari

There is only one more day to submit a Faction for the Genesys Project's Create a Faction contest, and today we delve into the realm of Magic. A race created by magic, and lives and breathes it. They are Purests in the extreme believing transformational powers above all else is a symbol of life. All other races, called the " Wretched" by the Amari, are beneath them.

Traitor Legions Pre-Orders This Weekend

We dont have anything definitive at this moment, but we have a very solid list of dates from a while back saying that this weekend we will have the pre-orders for the Traitor Legions Codex Supplement, and next weekend will be the Imperial Agents.

Warhammer Live is a Subscription Service

This is interesting, and tbh I was not expecting a subscription service for Warhammer Live. I suppose when it comes down to it, it's realitively inexpensive and it appears that the show will be quality. I definitely will be reporting on this, and letting you know what it's like.

What's On Your Table: Orruks

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com

Having changed jobs, I have now found myself painting more of what I want to rather than what I need for the next game. As a big greenskin fan, I always planned to take some of the plastics savage orcs and make some feral orks, and then came the new Orruks  ….

Monday, November 28, 2016

Big Cans

Again the guys at Warhammer TV are hitting out of the part with entertaining videos. Perhaps they are in the wrong field? with a real future in marketing, acting, or a possible weight lifting gold medal at the next Olympics. A lot of fun.


2 Days Left for the Create a Faction Contest: Shimazu

We will be deciding upon the winner of this contest sometime in the month of December. With 2 days left, its important to get those last factions turned in.

Today's faction is a Japanese themed faction with Samurai, ninja, and more.

The Genesys Project: The 2nd Age Traits

The 2nd Age for the Genesys Project will be arriving soon, and with it a whole new world of advancing your faction forward through campaign play, or even creating your race here as a starting place or single games. Lets take a look at the 2nd Age Traits as they stand now.

The 2nd Age is due sometime in December.... Most likely just after Christmas.

Wrath of Magnus Rules Rundown: With Updates

I read this earlier, and went back to it simply because I was needing more clarifications on a few things and noticed some edits. So here is Frontline Gaming's rundown of the rules for the Wrath of Magnus alongside some updates in red.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Wrath of Magnus Developers Interview

via Warhammer TV
The Thousand Sons have their sights set on Fenris and are have returned from the Eye of Terror to enact their vengeance upon the Space Wolves.

Warseer Reborn to Rise from the Ashes

Press Release: WarSeer Reborn - Gaming Forum To Rise From The Ashes

On 1 December 2016, WarSeer - a cornerstone of the online gaming community - will see an exciting relaunch.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Warzone Fenris: Wrath of Magnus Available Now for Pre-Orders

Many people stayed up all hours for this release and any information that has been forthcoming. Its a big day, for the Thousand Sons, but it should not be forgotten that there is a new Space Hulk release as well as the big XL sprays, and The Hobbit releases.....

4 Days Left for the Create a Faction Contest: Vandrian

With only 4 days left to submit your faction for the Contest, there is a still a lot of great player created factions to share. Here is one with a very diverse set of unit classes, the Vandrian. They push the envelope of unholy templars and soldiers. Another fun faction to check out.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Dwarves Revealed for Bloodbowl!!!!

Some screenshots were sent in tonight by some readers showing off the new Dwarven models coming to Blood Bowl soon. These pics are apparently only available if you purchase the Death Zone Team Manager, so a huge thank you from the community for sharing these!!!!

Warhammer Live Starts December 14th

Warhammer Live is launching December 14th with free give aways, studio interviews, rumors, and much more... This will be a ton of fun, and yes we will be tuned in!

Dropfleet Scourge Insight by the Master Himself..... Andy Chambers

Andy Chambers is putting together his Scourge fleet...... hmmmm So am I! So its worth checking out what the master himself is fielding, or preparing to field.

So if you are a dropfleet freak like myself, here is a chance to see what he is making! The pic above are some of my ships (the Scourge), and I will have more pics this weekend!!!!

Deathguard Coming?

I had believed that we had talked about this before, but I wanted to make certain; there is a Deathguard green listed in the new Christmas Gift Guide from Games Workshop. With the other paints, like Thousand Sons Blue and Ahriman Blue on the list, does this hint towards a future release for Deathguard now that we see a Traitors Legion codex coming?..... I for one hope so...

New Releases: Some additional details from Games Workshop

The Warhammer is preparing us for tomorrows release with a little rundown of just who these new Thousand Sons are. A few of Exalted Sorcerers are being portrayed as being able to dominate the Psychic Phase. Check out the latest below.

Space Hulk: Deathwing - Focus Developers Q & A Stream

A great video by Chapter Master Valrak with the developers for Space Hulk Deathwing. Its a great video to get some insight into the game.

Chaos Black XL: Great Video

I had not watched this, really not thinking too much of a video to show me how to use it. That's not what this is though, and it was finally hilarious to watch.

Boxed Game of Blood Bowl Contains.....

Taking the miniature game to your computers, the box set of Blood Bowl is being reported to contain a 50% off voucher for Blood Bowl 2 the video game. Definitely time to immerse yourself in Blood Bowl, and get the video game for a great price.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Create a Faction: Unum

A very interesting Goblyn race reliant upon a well armed slave force with some very elite warriors and faith healers.

Horus Heresy Inferno Delayed into Early Next Year

December's White Dwarf mentions that the next Horus Heresy book Inferno will be here this coming month. However, it's now apparent that there is a delay in the book, and we should not expect to see it until February.


Today is a Holiday here in the US, and its time for us to eat Turkey, visit with family, and have a good time around the table. Stay safe, warm, and above it all, stay clear of any drama.

Have a great Thanksgiving

A forgotten classic picture from years ago. Marilyn Monroe, a Blunderbuss, and a turkey.

What's On Your Table: Imperial Knight Cerastus Styx

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com

Imperial Knight Cerastus Styx, with scenic base depicting a burned out bunker. The Styx was a small conversion of a Knight Acheron. The Acheron's Reaper Chainfist was replaced with a Knight Castigator's Tempest Warblade and a pair of Land Raider Flamestorm Cannons were stuck to the sword to keep with the burning-stuff theme.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Create a Faction: The Triumvirate of the Shadow States

The Genesys Project:
Companies from the Truimvirate Shadow States can be found fighting for hire in many warzones across the lands, bringing wealth and stability to their homeland. Here is the latest faction submitted for the Create a Faction Contest.

The Generals Handbook 2nd Edition

The Age of Sigmar has gone through a lot of transitions in the short time the game has been out, and the Generals Handbook finally bringing in options for points and multiple ways to play the game. Now Games Workshop is taking another step forward, and giving you the chance to get your input forwarded to the design team as they begin work on the 2nd edition of the General's Handbook.

Check out below

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Genestealer Cult Re-purposed PDF Leman Russ MBT

Faeit 212 Community

Hello Faeit212 Community, this is one of the long overdue Vraks PDF Leman Russ tanks from the Emperors Fist Battle Company started a long time ago in 2009 - posted on my WeeMen blog - seen here WIP. As I never had the time or patience for an entire Astra Militarum (Imperial Guard for us old timers) army, I sold 6 tanks and kept the others for a small allied force - perhaps... now traitorous scum.

With the release of the Genestealer Cult I saw a great opportunity to use my little used older Space Hulk Hybrids, Purestrains and the few completed IG(AM) troops I have.

Warhammer 40,000 FAQ Final Release

It's official now, Games Workshop has released the FAQs for the Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook. Its quite large, and I am digging through it now. Head on over, and download the latest rules.

And check it out! The Digital books will get updated!

Create a Faction: Metanoids

Lots of different factions are being submitted, and while a few have similar traits, the overall army is what the player creates out of it. Even two armies that started exactly the same after a few games would start to vary on its own. Today we have a very solid army, the Metanoids. A solid balance of melee combat, tactics, and a step over to the wild side.

A Preview of Warzone Fenris Part 2 The Wrath of Magnus

Coming to Pre-Order this weekend is the second part of Warzone Fenris the Wrath of Magnus. Today Warhammer Community site has a preview with some artwork and a brief overview of the book. Not a whole lot yet, but worth checking out.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Space Hulk Teaser

Space Hulk returns in December as revealed by the just released White Dwarf Magazine. Now we have an official teaser from Games Workshop to check out and see some of the exciting details for the game.

9 Smaller Factions Including....

Agents of the Imperium is going to be an interesting book. I will my Inquisitorial updates which is always nice ( I miss those models dearly), and above all else... Sisters are included.

The White Dwarf revealed all of this for December releases.

Additional White Dwarf Reveals

There are some additional images here, simply because this month's White Dwarf and upcoming releases is just going to be amazing.

Posted by: samualsamualstrayhande0272001.blogspot.com

Source: https://natfka.blogspot.com/2016_11_01_archive.html?m=1

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